Welcome to Mantra Tonsley – External Car Parking Guide

Welcome to Mantra Tonsley, where comfort meets convenience right at the heart of Tonsley, Adelaide. To ensure a seamless arrival and check-in experience, we’ve outlined clear directions for utilizing our external car parking facilities.

Arrival and Temporary Parking

  1. Approach via South Expressway: Begin your journey to Mantra Tonsley by turning onto Tonsley Boulevard from the South Expressway.
  2. Proceed Straight: Continue straight ahead on Tonsley Boulevard. You will see our hotel on your right.
  3. Temporary Parking for Check-in: We recommend utilizing one of the 15-minute parking spots near the entrance to drop off your bags and complete the check-in process. This allows you to unload your luggage conveniently before parking your vehicle.

Directions to External Car Parking

After check-in, please follow these steps to locate the external car parking area:

  1. Exit the Hotel Car Park:
    • If exiting onto Tonsley Boulevard, turn right.
    • If exiting near Mab Circuit, turn left.
  2. Navigate to Mab Circuit:
    After turning, take a hard right just past the hotel. Continue straight, and the route will lead you left onto Mab Circuit.
  3. Proceed to Charger Road:
    Follow Mab Circuit straight ahead. Take the first right onto Charger Road. The entrance to the external car parking will be immediately on your right.

Car Parking Details

Parking Allocation: Please park in any of the spaces signed “Mantra – Reserved Guest Parking”.

Special Assistance

We understand that the walk from the external car parking to the hotel might not be suitable for everyone. If you are unable to walk this distance or utilize the external car parking for any reason, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are committed to making alternative arrangements to accommodate your needs.

We hope this guide assists you in finding our external car parking with ease. Should you require further assistance or have any questions, please contact our front desk. We look forward to welcoming you to Mantra Tonsley and wish you a pleasant stay.